Looking over the wreckage of the discarded ideas that have claimed universality over human history, it is obvious that any such claim is fragile at best. The only exception to this general rule is the continued re-emergence of personal experience as the ultimate ground in which we can put our trust. We are constantly dissuaded [...]

Kids and Meditation [video]

The University   |   Jason Tseng  |   March 13, 2011, 10:36 am

We recently published a short video clip on kids and meditation. This was part of an ongoing series on meditators of various ages and backgrounds — this time we went very young. Kristine and I shot this clip at the Instilling Goodness Elementary Schools at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). This clip was [...]
A thousand eyes see all, A thousand ears hear all, A thousand hands help and support living beings everywhere. – Venerable Master Hua In one of Professor Martin Verhoeven’s Friday evening lectures, he relates the story of his first Practice Retreat experience and his reaction to the above verse about Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Guan Yin [...]

Ripple: a Poem

The Mind  |  The Scene   |   James Roberts  |   March 10, 2011, 12:36 pm

It isn’t common for me to write poetry, but this poem came to mind sort of suddenly during the winter Chan session here at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). After the bell rang I rushed back to my room to write it down. A pebble wonders, Why are there ripples in the stream? [...]
Learn the basic concepts of framing, light, composition, and the importance of balancing technique and emotion. [Learn more] [...]
As a newcomer to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB), it’s pretty humbling to realize the endless depths of Buddhism– all the various concepts, practices, sutras, liturgies, people, and stories that have unfurled over centuries. In a couple weeks, the entire city will pause to spend an entire week cultivating compassion as emulated by [...]

Practice of Patience, Illuminated by Kids

The Mind  |  The Tribe   |   Jason Tseng  |   March 6, 2011, 5:50 am

The New Yorker magazine has a very insightful article on psychological studies about kids and self-control (It’s long, but worth a read). It illustrates a lot of different, subtle aspects of Patience. The original 1960s study tempted 4-year old kids with snacks placed right in front of them, where they are rewarded with extra snacks [...]
I was going through some old materials in the archive when I came across a reproduction of this letter: The letter was written by Hassan Ahmed Kamel in 1979, then chief of cabinet of the late President Muhammad Anwar El Sadat of Egypt, and it was addressed to the late Ch’an Master Hsuan Hua, the [...]